Cycling Report Card May 2023

Here it is! Our May 2023 report on the state of cycling infrastructure in Newmarket. If you want a PDF copy of this please email us at .

Town Local Roads Grade: D

Where now? East-West Bikeway (Srigley, Millard, etc.); Main St. North; Woodspring Ave.; Lundy’s Lane; Harry Walker Pkwy.; Stackhouse Rd.; Ringwell Dr.; London Rd.; Bonshaw Ave.; Alexander Rd.; Lorne Ave.

Where planned? Clearmeadow Blvd. Wm. Roe Blvd. (2021); Stonehaven/Kingsmere/Fernbank (2022);
Huron Heights/Waratah/Leslie Valley(2023).

Our concerns: The Town’s Active Transportation Implementation Plan, other than Lorne Ave, has been put on pause since 2021 due to concerns about the loss of on-street parking. A promised review of this issue has been continually delayed and is now not expected until 2024.

Multi-Use Paths Grade: C

Where now? Tom Taylor Trail, etc.

Where planned? Mulock Dr (Bathurst to Harry Walker)

Our concerns: Multi-use paths are very useful for recreational cycling but less so for commuting or errands. The Mulock Dr. multi-use path, slated to begin construction this year, will be a bidirectional pathway that will switch sides of the street due to spacing issues.

Regional Arterial Roads Grade: C

Where now? Bathurst St. (Mulock to Woodspring Ave); Leslie St. (Mulock to south town limits); Prospect/Bayview (Srigley to Mulock); Yonge St. (Sawmill Valley to Davis)

Where planned? Yonge St. (Davis Dr. to north town limits)

Our concerns: All arterial roads need cycle lanes, as this is where cycling is most dangerous. We are heartened by the recent installation of line-separated / sharerow lanes on Prospect/Bayview, including the priority bike zone on Prospect southbound at Water St. However, we are dismayed that lanes planned on Davis Dr were cancelled, that there are no lanes on Leslie St north of Mulock, and that the Region has not planned lanes on Mulock, instead deferring to the Town’s planned multi-use path.

Bike Parking Grade: B

Where now? All schools, apartments, commercial buildings built after 2010 bylaw; Most publicly-owned facilities; Many private commercial buildings

Our concerns: Many older buildings have been reluctant to install bike racks, some have older racks that only secure a front tire, and some have refused requests or removed racks.

Ride on!

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