Cycling Report Card May 2023

Here it is! Our May 2023 report on the state of cycling infrastructure in Newmarket. If you want a PDF copy of this please email us at .

Town Local Roads Grade: D

Where now? East-West Bikeway (Srigley, Millard, etc.); Main St. North; Woodspring Ave.; Lundy’s Lane; Harry Walker Pkwy.; Stackhouse Rd.; Ringwell Dr.; London Rd.; Bonshaw Ave.; Alexander Rd.; Lorne Ave.

Where planned? Clearmeadow Blvd. Wm. Roe Blvd. (2021); Stonehaven/Kingsmere/Fernbank (2022);
Huron Heights/Waratah/Leslie Valley(2023).

Our concerns: The Town’s Active Transportation Implementation Plan, other than Lorne Ave, has been put on pause since 2021 due to concerns about the loss of on-street parking. A promised review of this issue has been continually delayed and is now not expected until 2024.

Multi-Use Paths Grade: C

Where now? Tom Taylor Trail, etc.

Where planned? Mulock Dr (Bathurst to Harry Walker)

Our concerns: Multi-use paths are very useful for recreational cycling but less so for commuting or errands. The Mulock Dr. multi-use path, slated to begin construction this year, will be a bidirectional pathway that will switch sides of the street due to spacing issues.

Regional Arterial Roads Grade: C

Where now? Bathurst St. (Mulock to Woodspring Ave); Leslie St. (Mulock to south town limits); Prospect/Bayview (Srigley to Mulock); Yonge St. (Sawmill Valley to Davis)

Where planned? Yonge St. (Davis Dr. to north town limits)

Our concerns: All arterial roads need cycle lanes, as this is where cycling is most dangerous. We are heartened by the recent installation of line-separated / sharerow lanes on Prospect/Bayview, including the priority bike zone on Prospect southbound at Water St. However, we are dismayed that lanes planned on Davis Dr were cancelled, that there are no lanes on Leslie St north of Mulock, and that the Region has not planned lanes on Mulock, instead deferring to the Town’s planned multi-use path.

Bike Parking Grade: B

Where now? All schools, apartments, commercial buildings built after 2010 bylaw; Most publicly-owned facilities; Many private commercial buildings

Our concerns: Many older buildings have been reluctant to install bike racks, some have older racks that only secure a front tire, and some have refused requests or removed racks.

New Roads Lakeride 2021

Smart Commute Central York and the Newmarket Chamber of Commerce are happy to be supporting the New Roads Lakeride this year. Details below graphic…

Many of you may be aware of this event, but this year it’s especially important given that it supports Southlake’s Mental Health Foundation and will be one of the biggest yet. Seventeen patients experiencing a mental health crisis visit the Newmarket hospital each day. Southlake’s Regional Mental Health Program sees more than 20,000 adult outpatient and 11,000 child and adolescent visits every year!

As awareness for mental illness increases, so too does the need for support. With only 84 adult mental health inpatient beds in all of York Region, serving more than 1.2 million people, the need for mental health services is rapidly increasing. 

Three ways to participate:

  • Virtual ride with Olympian Georgia Simmerling on September 4
  • Annual in-person ride with 20, 45, 80, and 125km routes with World Cup Gold Medalist Ed Veal on September 19
  • Ride your Way – all of September

There will also be a new online auction running from September 4 to the 19th! 

To learn more about the NewRoads LakeRide or to register to attend the event visit

The Future of Civic Politics and Transportation

            At some point in the future, municipal governments will simply have to confront the difficult reality that they can no longer obey voters’ wishes to expand roadways and intersections to allow more automobile traffic to flow. When no more land is available for this, the jig is up! Municipal and regional governments must start to restrict or limit automobile use on their major roadways. Until now, it has been a gluttonous feast of more, more, more, with elected officials, planners and engineers falling all over themselves assuming it is their ‘public duty’ to make the passage of automobiles on publicly-funded roadways easier, faster, more convenient and to make this their priority.

As it is now, our roads are choked with poison-belching vehicles which often transport only one person. At some point this carcinogenic, corpulence-inducing crescendo has got to stop. Just when isn’t certain. And it may have to be born out of some cataclysmic event. Perhaps gasoline will become so rare that it will sell for $18/L. Perhaps car manufacturers will be so busy building electric vehicles that replacement parts for internal combustion engines, forget about entire cars, will become so scarce their owners will simply leave their vehicles in the driveway and sell them for scrap. Or possibly, government debt will climb so high that one way of funding this collective is to license all residential vehicles (not work-related) at ten times the current rate. Next insurance companies will follow suit, jacking up rates for non-essential, family-use vehicles. These fees will become so expensive, drivers will choose to leave their cars at home rather than licence and insure them. Of course, then, government will say, “You can use the public transit. That’s why we provided it for you.” It’s hard to predict. But the happy time for owners of powerful internal combustion cars and domestically-operated pickup trucks will, in fact, eventually have to stop.

So, when this cataclysmic event occurs, we will be on our bicycles, or taking a bus, or walking, looking over the vast expanses of empty space in roadways and deserted parking lots that used to be crammed with automobiles and contemplate the absolute waste of time and money all this vehicular infrastructure cost our communities. The air will be purer, the neighbourhoods quieter, we’ll be healthier, children will be more welcomed to play on their streets and the life expectancy of our community will rise.  Then we’ll think, “Why couldn’t we have done this sooner?”

Steve Harper, Cycle Newmarket

Bike Month Group Ride

Join Cycle Newmarket for a group ride around town on July 28, 2021! (NEW NEW DATE)
***The group ride will be dependent on public health guidance for the event date. Please check this page a week before for any potential changes to the event format.***
Participants will also need a helmet, mask, and bike in safe working condition to join the ride.   

6:30 pm – Meet at Riverwalk Commons Bandshell. We will have a pump, so arrive earlier if you need air for your tires.
6:40 pm – Ride starts
8:00 pm – Ride ends at Riverwalk Commons
Each group will be accompanied by a ride leader and cycle at a pace that is comfortable for everyone. The ~15. 5 km route will mainly follow bike lanes and residential roads and will take about an hour to ride.

Route: or…

Get the Ride With GPS app wherever you get apps.
Questions? Email or message @CycleNewmarket on social media. 

Deferral of bike lanes on Clearmeadow and William Roe

On March 1, Town of Newmarket Council voted to confirm the earlier Committee of the Whole decision to defer the 2021 Active Transportation Implementation Plan projects until at least the fall, so that they can study the loss of on-street parking as a result of bike lane installation. This means that we will have to wait another year for lanes on Clearmeadow/William Roe Blvd, which will likely delay the 2022 plans for lanes on Stonehaven, Kingsmere, Nellie Little, and Fernbank. (Lanes on Lorne Avenue will still go ahead in 2021 as part of the entire road redevelopment).

We at Cycle Newmarket are immensely disappointed in this plan. On behalf of our group, Peggy Stevens read a deputation to the March 1 Council meeting, proposing that the lanes go ahead but in a temporary mode as the parking issue is dealt with. This compromise was still not enough for Council.

What follows is the text of the deputation, referring to the slide of the Town’s strategic priorities above.

Continue reading “Deferral of bike lanes on Clearmeadow and William Roe”

ATIP Interim Report

Active Transportation Implementation Plan – Interim Report to Council

Distribution Date: October 16, 2020

The purpose of this report is to outline the progress and successes of the on-road Active Transportation Network, and provide some cost estimation for the 2021 budget, and future budgets. The report will outline the progress to date and the future plans. Also, the report will note some of the issues encountered and mitigation measures used to address these issues.

Get the full report here:

Here are some excerpts:

  • To date, the roadway bike lanes planned for 2019 and 2020 are largely completed.
  • ATIP planned routes for 2021 through 2023 are outlined, emphasizing connectivity provided in each case.
  • Lorne Avenue, Clearmeadow Boulevard and William Roe Boulevard on-road bike routes are planned for construction in 2021.
    • The Lorne Avenue bike lanes (Davis Drive to Eagle Street) are planned to be implemented in conjunction with a road reconstruction project.
    • The Clearmeadow Boulevard and William Roe Boulevard routes provide a long eastwest network link.
    • Both routes provide excellent connections and the design of these routes will have to consider impacts at the schools and on-street parking.
  • 2022 ATIP routes are planned to be implemented primarily on Ward 1 roads – Stonehaven Avenue, Kingsmere Avenue, Nellie Little Crescent, and Fernbank Road.
  • 2023 ATIP routes are planned to be implemented primarily on Ward 3 roads – Huron Heights Drive, Waratah Avenue, Leslie Valley Drive, and Ringwell Drive.
  • The proposed Mulock Multi-Use Path (MUP) is outlined. A Request For Proposals has been tendered for a Feasibility Study.
  • There is a section on Lesson Learned:
    • On-Street parking
    • Communication
    • Costs
    • The numbers – increased cycle use when cycle routes are in place; and the reduction in average vehicle speed.

London Rd Cycle Lanes & ATIP

Cycle Newmarket had a ride and photo-op on the new cycle lanes on London Road, Nov 8, 2020. These lanes are an important cycling connection between Yonge Street and Main Street, and to the Tom Taylor Trail north of the Tannery.

Cycle Newmarket on the new London Road cycle lane, Nov 8, 2020

These new lanes are a part of Newmarket’s ongoing Active Transportation Implementation Plan. The Plan’s recent Interim Report is available from the Town website here (pdf).

Cycle Newmarket member Stephen Harper wrote the following to Newmarket’s Transportation managers Mark Kryzanowski and Peter Noehammer.

Cycle Newmarket was delighted to see the Interim Report of ATIP published October 16, 2020. Our group is impressed with the tenacity of both you and Council in maintaining the focus on active transportation as a viable option for the citizens of Newmarket.

We are particularly delighted with the ‘Lessons Learned’ section on on-street parking. It is terrific to see that there is a continued interest in educating residents who have become accustomed to leaving their cars on the street, that there is a greater need for vulnerable road users to travel safely in the community.

In addition, the plans for future construction of Bike Lanes on Lorne Ave., Clearmeadow & William Roe Blvds. (2021), Stonehaven, Kingsmere, Nellie Little, and Fernbank Roads (2022), and Waratah Ave., Huron Heights, Leslie Valley and Ringwell Drives (2023) show that Newmarket is definitely becoming more sensitive to the needs of cyclists in and around the town.

We do have concerns, however. While we are aware that the following is a matter involving the Regional government. we note that there appears to be an insistence on the use of  MUPs on Mulock Drive. We would prefer separate one-directional bike lanes on both sides of the street. Safety is our primary concern. When cyclists need to access the opposite side of the street from the MUP, they must do so by negotiating with motor vehicles which are often travelling at high rates of speed.

Davis Drive is also a purview of the Region. However, we notice that many of the feeder bike lanes noted in your report empty onto Davis, where there is no provision at all (except for sharrows located east of Alexander Drive only) for safe cycling infrastructure.

On the whole, though, this is a very encouraging document. Thank you for updating us on these upcoming projects.

We plan to request leave to make a deputation to council on it in the near future.

Yonge Street bike lanes now open!

Cycle Newmarket is thrilled to see that the bike lanes on Yonge St, part of the Vivanext Rapidway, are now open in both directions. The lanes go from Sawmill/Savage at the south end to Davis Drive at the north. They are separated from traffic by a curb, but join the regular roadway whenever there is a right-hand turn lane.
The route also features left-turn bike boxes. To make a left turn, you go straight through the intersection into a green-painted square which is cut out of the rounded curb. Then you turn your bike and wait for a green light in the direction you are turning. Be careful, though, because you have to merge with cars going straight when you join the roadway on the side street.

Cycle Newmarket ~ Ride in Winter, too!