Reading List and Links

If you have a book, article or other resource about urban cycling, cycling infrastructure, active transportation, complete streets, walkable communities etc then tell us about it in the comment section below. We’ll integrate your suggestion onto this page.

Include title, author, a link and a short review.


The Centre for Active Transportation (TCAT)


Norton, Peter. Fighting Traffic; The Dawn of the Motor Age in the American City. MIT Press, 2011
Prof. Norton describes the transition in the United States, from the ‘complete streets’ of the pre-automobile era, through the lobbying of the AAA and the automobile manufacturers, to the automobile-centric, and engine-powered myopia that redefined transportation infrastructure theory and design for all communities in the 1930s and beyond.

Bambrick, Yvonne. The Urban Cycling Survival Guide: Need-to-Know Skills and Strategies for Biking in the City.
Ms Bambrick has written a must-have guide for maintaining and operating a bicycle in today’s fast-paced, car-dominant urban centres.

Colville-Andersen, Mikael. Copenhagenize: the definitive guide to global bicycle urbanism. Island Press. 2018. Colville-Andersen, a Canadian-Danish cycling consultant, describes various cities’ experience with designing their streets for people and bikes rather than cars, complete with numerous photographs. You can follow Copenhagenize on Facebook or read the blog at .

Marohn, Charles L. Strong towns: a bottom-up revolution to rebuild American prosperity. John Wiley & Sons, 2020. Not really a book about cycling, but an excellent analysis of how the postwar suburban development pattern, complete with never-ending automobile infrastructure, is bankrupting American cities and destroying communities. While Marohn does not use any Canadian examples, his analysis is essential reading for Canadians too, as our cities aren’t much better. You can read the Strong Towns blog for many articles on better transportation, including cycling.

Ride on!

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